Quality Report

Summary of Quality Information

Accreditation Programs


DaVita Hospital Services®(a division of DaVita HealthCare Partners Inc.) has received Joint Commission Ambulatory Health Care Accreditation following The Joint Commission's extensive survey and review for accreditation. Accreditation was based on a survey of 177 DaVita acute programs, which included Joint Commission accredited hospitals and other hospitals permitting The Joint Commission access for purposes of the survey process (a limited number of hospitals did not permit access).

* The Joint Commission only accredits the DaVita Services at this location, not the entire site. There are other services provided at this location that may not be accredited by The Joint Commission.

CMS Recognized Programs


Deemed Programs


Recognition Programs


Advanced Certification Programs


Core Certification Programs


Verification Programs




Complementary Agreements


Organization Commentary


Cooperative Agreements


National Patient Safety Goals and National Quality Improvement Goals

Symbol Key

  • starThis organization achieved the best possible results
  • plusThis organization's performance is better than the target range/value
  • checkThis organization's performance is similar to the target range/value
  • minusThis organization's performance is worse than the target range /value
  • naThis measure is not applicable for this organization
  • ndNot displayed

Measures Footnote Key

  1. The measure or measure set was not reported.
  2. The measure set does not have an overall result.
  3. The number is not enough for comparison purposes.
  4. The measure meets the Privacy Disclosure Threshold rule.
  5. The organization scored above 90% but was below most other organizations.
  6. The measure results are not statistically valid.
  7. The measure results are based on a sample of patients.
  8. The number of months with measure data is below the reporting requirement.
  9. The measure results are temporarily suppressed pending resubmission of updated data.
  10. Test Measure: a measure being evaluated for reliability of the individual data elements or awaiting National Quality Forum Endorsement.
  11. There were no eligible patients that met the denominator criteria.
  12. The measure rate is within optimal range.

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* State results are not calculated for the National Patient Safety Goals.